The moment we've been waiting for has finally arrived! Earlier today, the state budget was signed and approved by Governor Youngkin. This means that children with cancer will receive dedicated state funding for the FIRST TIME in Virginia’s history. In a nutshell, this new funding will:
Provide a Pediatric Cancer Support Navigator for each of the five pediatric cancer treatment centers across Virginia.
Create a bridge between a patient's medical team and their school to ensure they don't fall behind.
Help EVERY young cancer patient transition back to school during and after treatment.

This amazing win wasn't achieved by ourselves or overnight. We've worked closely with the Virginia Childhood Cancer Network members as well as our advocates throughout the state over the past four years to make this a reality. This also would not have been possible without the incredible pro bono guidance and support of Robb Bohannon and Hunton Andrews Kurth. While Central VA is our home base, we believe every family in Virginia deserves this support. #MakingLifeBetter for kids with cancer is the very heart of our mission, and this is the next step in fulfilling it. Thank you to everyone who lent a hand to make this possible!