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Meet ASK Kid Mykahi

ASK Kourageous Kid Mykahi

Mykahi, a vibrant teenager with a contagious smile, always seemed to radiate joy, making it hard to believe he was battling a hidden pain. Despite his joyful exterior, the pain in his legs intensified, defying painkillers and raising his mother, Ahisha's, concerns. “We saw pediatricians, orthopedic doctors, and nutritional specialists, but the pain in his legs just increased. It took three months of testing to get a final diagnosis, but my momma heart knew something terrible was happening to my baby.”

Mykahi's diagnosis brought immense challenges, but the support of the ASK team provided a helping hand when Mykahi and his family needed it the most. ASK offered a range of assistance, including financial support to help alleviate the financial burdens many families face after diagnosis and throughout treatment. "We appreciate the gift cards for gas and food more than I could ever say," continues Ahisha. "Knowing that some of the financial burden is taken away has been a huge relief and allows me to concentrate on Mykahi’s needs."

Beyond financial support, the ASK team also prioritized Mykahi's education. Jon Longenecker, an ASK Education Support Navigator, played a vital role in ensuring Mykahi's education remained on track. "Thanks to John," Ahisha shares, "he’s looking forward to returning to school soon and has a plan to ensure a successful reentry."

Mykahi also found solace in connecting with other children battling cancer. "Kids learn from other kids," Ahisha emphasizes. "These events have been crucial for his social life. Mykahi suffers from depression and was hospitalized a few times during diagnosis and treatment. These types of activities help him realize that other kids are going through the same thing, and they find comfort in being together." Events like the summer pool party, the ASK 5K & Fun Walk, and the holiday party provided valuable opportunities for social interaction and support.

ASK Kourageous Kid Mykahi and his mom

To document his journey, Ahisha created a scrapbook filled with encouraging quotes."I’m not having a bad day, just a bald day," and "I can promise that I will fight with you," provided motivation, especially on the hard days. "We all win the race," Ahisha believes, "we just don’t win it in the same way. You don’t have to give up and you can just keep fighting."

Guided by the Serenity Prayer – 'God and Heavenly Father, Grant to us the serenity of mind to accept that which cannot be changed; courage to change that which can be changed, and wisdom to know...' – Mykahi and his family faced four months of chemotherapy. Finally, Mykahi entered remission and the day arrived when he finally rang the bell, signifying the end of treatment. The joy was shared by his mother and the entire ASK Clinic team.

"I want parents of a newly diagnosed child to know that the staff of ASK is always by your side and you should accept all of the help that they offer. This is an indescribable ordeal. As a mother of a child with cancer, we are so appreciative of donors who want to help our children. Thank you!"

- Ahisha ASK Kid Mykahi's Mom

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