Empowering parents, caregivers, and teachers with the know-how to best support a child with cancer.

Whether at home, in clinic, or in the classroom, there are a lot of things to learn when it comes to supporting a child with cancer. A childhood cancer diagnosis introduces a maze of brand-new medical terms, unfamiliar routines and procedures, and many new and overwhelming emotions. It can also greatly impact educational needs during treatment and into survivorship. ASK is here to offer a helping hand.
Missed days and late-term side effects from treatment are just some challenges kids with cancer face with school. We designed our education toolkit to support our kids every step of the way as they transition back to the classroom.
Learn the ins and outs of the ASK clinic, ways to best support your child from diagnosis, throughout treatment and beyond, how to cope with the unique emotions that come with caring for a child with cancer, and much more.
ASK hosts an annual educator conference for teachers and other school personnel to learn about the support kids with cancer might need as they go through treatment and return to school. They also learn how to create an environment where survivors can learn and thrive.
Our webinars cover a variety of educational and mental health topics meant to empower parents, teens, and young adults affected by childhood cancer and sickle cell disease.

Additional Resources
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, "Coping with Childhood Leukemia and Lymphoma"
Children's Oncology Group, "Health Link: Emotional Issues After Childhood Cancer"
Leukemia Lymphoma Society, "14 Essential Things to Know When Childhood Cancer Touches Your School"
Understood.com, "Slow Processing Speed and Anxiety: What You Need to Know"