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  • Meet ASK Kid Gavin

    "I had equal amounts of fear and anxiety watching him... praying to God that this was not his last race," shares ASK mom Jenny, thinking back to the bittersweet moment she watched her son, Gavin, catch up to the pack and finish first at his swim meet. The next day, he would undergo a biopsy for the mass growing in his right leg and begin the race for his life. "Gavin was very active, into sports. Baseball, swimming, and just any other active 10-year-old thing you can imagine," says Russ, Gavin's dad. "He started to complain of having pain in his right leg, but it would come and go. He would have moments where it hurt and then an hour later he was running around like nothing was wrong." Soon, his intermittent pain became overwhelming. Gavin's pediatrician urged Jenny and Russ to rush their son to the emergency room, terrified and unsure of what to expect. He would have a series of tests that revealed a tumor, and soon after, received the official diagnosis of Ewing Sarcoma in July 2023. "Once we got the Ewing Sarcoma diagnosis, the next day he started treatment. We didn't know that morning we were going to hear every side effect that was going to happen to him. It was one of the hardest days," Jenny recalls. "This is one of those examples of how ASK knows what we need before we need it... Katie Barber snatched up Gavin with a smile and said, 'Let's go play Uno!'" Along with Katie, the family would meet Rich Catlett, ASK Chaplain, and Anne and Leanne, members of the clinic team at the ASK Hematology/Oncology Clinic at the Children's Hospital of Richmond at VCU. Every day, they provide a hand to hold for kids and families like Gavin's as they navigate the emotional, spiritual and financial challenges that come with a cancer diagnosis. "ASK has always known what we needed before we needed it. We didn't know how we were going to make ends meet and they jumped in and said, 'We'll pay your mortgage. We'll pay your bills,'" Jenny explains. "Jon is another person who jumps in for our homebound. Our homebound has been phenomenal because his teachers are angels, but Jon helps get that paperwork through and makes sure that's one less thing on our plates... ASK has become our community." In October 2023, Gavin underwent rotationplasty surgery to amputate his right leg. It was a difficult decision, but one that would, eventually, help Gavin get back to the things he loved in life: sports, being active, playing with his brothers, Charlie and Luca. Jenny shares how deeply grateful she is for ASK Chaplain, Rich Catlett, who was by Gavin's side during those early morning hours on the day of the surgery, praying over him and the surgeons. "Rich Catlett was another constant for Gavin, who he connected to and felt at ease with. He came in with a smile and could judge if Gavin was up for some sports talk that day or not. He talked about Virginia Tech sports while Gav couldn’t attend the games he usually goes to," Jenny shares. "Rich was always a listening ear for my husband and me. He gave us encouragement and support in the hardest moments. We will always be grateful for Rich supporting our family." - ASK mom Jenny A few months after his surgery, Gavin regained enough strength to start learning how to walk again using a prosthetic leg. On February 18, 2024, the family celebrated Gavin's final day of cancer treatment with a parade in their neighborhood, where their friends and neighbors lined the streets to surround him with love and support. We're happy to report that in March 2024, Gavin's one-month-out scans came back clear and cancer-free! "It changes who you are. We're all going to be different people because of it. But I think we'll be stronger as a family and stronger in our community," Jenny reflects. "No one wants to live in this world, but once you're there, you need the support and to be able to lean on people... there's power in knowing you're not the only one and that you're not alone, and that's what ASK gives him."

  • Moving Forward with Aaliyah

    Aaliyah’s favorite saying is, “Never give up!” That constant positivity helps Aaliyah face life’s challenges, like being born with Down’s Syndrome, and battling Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. ​​When Aaliyah was 12 years old, she received new braces on her teeth. But when her mouth continued to consistently bleed, her mom, Karen, knew something wasn’t right. Her dentist recognized the symptoms of leukemia, and immediately sent Aaliyah to the Children’s Hospital of Richmond (CHoR) at the VCU Health System, where she spent the next three months in the hospital. ​“I thought she had an infection, not cancer,” remembers Karen. “My world fell apart that day we got the blood test results.” Almost immediately, staff from ASK Childhood Cancer Foundation contacted Karen to provide emotional, spiritual and financial support for the entire family. "ASK folks knew exactly what she needed to help her through the most difficult days.” “I was amazed by their generosity and willingness to help. They made sure there were fun distractions at clinic for her during blood transfusions. It was a small gesture, but made the world of difference through her treatment and hospitalizations. ASK folks knew exactly what she needed to help her through the most difficult days.” Now, Aaliyah is a happy 16-year-old, working hard to regain her physical strength by participating in ASK’s Moving Forward partnership with the YMCA. “The almost three years of chemotherapy caused neuropathy in her fingers and feet. We are extremely blessed that this program exists for Aaliyah and all ASK kids because it’s not only improving her physical condition but giving her confidence and inspiration.” For more than a decade Moving Forward has provided additional physical training for cancer patients, their siblings and their parents. Each participant receives a 1:1 trainer who communicates directly with CHoR pediatric oncologists and physical therapists to determine individual needs and the best protocol for training. This program is available in Fredericksburg as well. "I can’t imagine going through this without ASK and all of the programs they provide for the entire family.” “I can’t say enough about this phenomenal program,” says Karen. “We have seen great improvement in Aaliyah, and the fact that Moving Forward includes Aaliyah’s brother is incredible. He’s not left out of this and that’s important to him. I love that Moving Forward can take care of two kids with entirely different needs. I can’t imagine going through this without ASK and all of the programs they provide for the entire family.”

  • Supporting Families Fighting Childhood Cancer: Lending a Hand from the Moment of Diagnosis

    At ASK Childhood Cancer Foundation, our mission is clear: to make life better for children with cancer and their families, starting from the moment of diagnosis and extending through treatment and beyond. One way this support is made possible is by our incredible clinic staff at the Children's Hospital of Richmond, who are the first wave of family support that our ASK families receive at the critical moment of diagnosis and throughout their treatment journey. Our dedicated clinic staff includes key members like Katie Barber, ASK Child Life Specialist; Rich Catlett, ASK Chaplain; and Kim Stroud, ASK Family Support Manager, whose roles are directly funded by ASK. Learn more about them below! Katie Barber: ASK Child Life Specialist "Every day is different, and I never know what may happen or who may need me," says Katie Barber, fondly known as "Miss Katie" to our kids. Katie's approach to easing children's anxiety during treatment is both creative and compassionate. She helps children understand and cope with their procedures through medical play and engaging activities. Katie has been making it happen for pediatric oncology patients and their families for more than 15 years at the ASK Clinic at The Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU. With a background in recreation and child life therapies, Katie is the first—and only—child life therapist funded by the ASK Childhood Cancer Foundation. Often, Katie is the first ASK representative to meet a newly diagnosed child at the ASK Clinic. Katie's dedication goes beyond the clinic walls. "I meet every new family, whether inpatient or in clinic, to explain what ASK is and how we can help navigate the confusing and intricate details of diagnosis, treatment, inpatient hospitalization, and clinic," she explains. Katie's presence is a constant source of reassurance and guidance for families facing childhood cancer. Once in clinic for treatment, evaluation or follow-up, Katie continues to act as a liaison for whatever a family may need. "Every child is different, and every family's needs are different. I try to talk to everyone while they are in clinic so we can have a sense of what is most important that day. Whether it's financial assistance, meal vouchers for parents of kids who are hospitalized, gas cards to help get the family to the hospital each day, a child's favorite toy in clinic to help ease the pain of treatment, or organizing an SAT prep course for one of our teenagers, I'm on it!" - Katie Rich Catlett: ASK Chaplain Families often seek spiritual support during the difficult journey through a medical crisis. It is natural to struggle and have questions when the unexpected happens. That’s why the Chaplain position at the ASK Clinic at The Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU was the very first position that ASK fully funded to be able to meet the needs of our families. ASK Chaplain Rich Catlett is available wherever your child is along their treatment journey. Rich provides our families with spiritual support that can vary widely and include prayer, addressing concerns about death and the afterlife, dealing with a loss of faith, or discussing ways to use spirituality for strength. Whatever your beliefs, Rich listens to your concerns and helps you process what is happening. Rich has served every family that is treated in the ASK Clinic at the Children's Hospital of Richmond. His typical day is anything but typical, and he purposely doesn't schedule his day so he can adapt to whatever situation may present itself. "Some days, I care for all staff, and some days, my care is directed to our patients and parents. This is doable because my faith sustains me and because we work as a team in the ASK Clinic. We all work on spiritual, medical, and emotional care. We all support one another, and that helps us deal and cope with our environment." - Rich Kim Stroud: ASK Family Support Manager Kim Stroud's role as ASK Family Support Manager is centered on alleviating practical burdens for families. "I try to talk to everyone while they are in clinic so we can have a sense of what is most important that day," Kim explains. From providing financial assistance to organizing pick-me-up surprises, Kim's support extends beyond the clinic to create a supportive environment for ASK families. ASK Childhood Cancer Foundation offers financial assistance and additional support to families being treated at Children's Hospital of Richmond at VCU, Children's Hospital of the King's Daughters, UVA Children's Hospital, Carilion Children's, Inova Schar Cancer Institute, and Fredericksburg area families treated at Children's National. Qualified families in Virginia may apply for help paying non-medical (housing, utilities, transportation) bills by filling out our ASK Making Life Better Fund Application. The challenges that come with a childhood cancer diagnosis can look a little different for everyone. "Our team works tirelessly to provide comprehensive support at every step of the journey," Kim emphasizes. By collaborating with hospital social workers and community partners, Kim ensures that families receive tailored assistance based on their unique needs, such as: providing gas and grocery gift cards to help ease the financial burden checking in regularly to offer a kind word or listening ear providing a pick-me-up surprise when your child or their siblings feel down connecting you with community partners for everyday needs, such as a free oil change Holistic Support Beyond Treatment ASK Childhood Cancer Foundation's commitment to family support extends beyond medical treatment. Through the dedication of our ASK Clinic Staff, including Katie Barber, Rich Catlett, and Kim Stroud, we stand with ASK families, offering hope, compassion, and unwavering support. ASK's mission is to make life better for children with cancer. Katie, Rich and Kim are beautiful examples of how to live that mission every day and in every way. If your family is navigating childhood cancer in Virginia, please fill out the ASK Family Enrollment form here so that we can provide the necessary support, community and resources needed throughout your journey.

  • Meet Alma Morgan, ASK Associate Director of Education

    "​It's my job to make sure that all ASK kids know that they can be functional, contributing members of society regardless of their diagnosis or disability," lovingly states Alma Morgan, ASK's Associate Director of Education and education team member at the Children's Hospital of Richmond. Alma's position is just one of the professional positions supported by ASK funding and a key member of the administrative team that keeps ASK kids on track academically, while in-patient or in clinic. "I help them become advocates for themselves and tell their brave, courageous stories. It's vitally important that they be able to express themselves," says Alma. "The kids love spending time with one another, sharing stories, studying together or just hanging out. ASK events and programs are a home away from home and a space where they can be themselves and accepted for exactly who they are and what they are experiencing," says Alma. ​That's why she's so excited about the new ASK Family Center, which will provide additional space for programs and events. Soon, ASK will have enough space to expand programs to include college counseling, vocational training, independent-living skills and other educational opportunities that will address the unique needs of long-term survivors. ASK started in the late 1970's as a support group for parents with children who had cancer. In the last almost fifty years, it has grown to touch thousands of pediatric oncology patients socially, spiritually, educationally and psychologically through special programming and family services. Alma was the president of the Board of Directors in the mid-1990's and remembers when ASK dreamed of being able to offer the kids of programming and services that exist today. "Now we have bigger dreams of more classes, activities, social events and spiritual support. This new, beautiful space will allow us to be more innovative than ever!" "The possibilities are endless and the new Center will give us space to dream bigger for these kids," continues Alma hopefully. "It's a different world when we're all together, where everyone is accepted for exactly who they are. The kids dream together, support and love one another. Don't you wish it could be like that everywhere?"

  • Meet ASK Kid Tecumseh

    Tecumseh’s family noticed something wasn’t right when the bright, energetic son and brother they knew became pale and tired. After three nights in the emergency room at VCU, 13-year-old Tecumseh (TK, for short) was diagnosed with T-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, a common form of leukemia. Though this awful news hit the family hard, he was given a good prognosis and would have a community of support coming their way before they knew it. “We were completely overwhelmed by the diagnosis of leukemia for our sweet boy, and we didn’t know what we needed or even what we should ask for,” says Tecumseh’s mom, Samantha. “Then, this angel named Katie appeared in Clinic and told us that ASK Childhood Cancer Foundation was here to help us navigate this new and foreign journey. It never occurred to us to ask for anything, but whatever we needed – then and now – was given freely.” “ASK knows how to help and they just do it. It requires nothing from me. I don’t even make requests sometimes and there they are, with exactly what we need without any fanfare,” Samantha continues. “Some of these things seem so little and insignificant, and yet when something like this happens, it’s the little things you need.” Among the types of support TK's family received include gas cards and bill assistance to help ease the impact of childhood cancer on their family’s budget. Later on, as TK and his parents prepared for his transition back to the classroom, ASK was there to guide them through the process and make sure he had the resources and accommodations he needed to be successful. “Jon Longenecker [ASK Education Support Navigator] has been incredibly helpful in helping Tecumseh and us in his transition back to school! Tecumseh started back to school in person in January – almost a year after this initial diagnosis – and we could not have done it without Jon’s support,” Samantha recalls. “He helped guide us through the 504 process and was by our side as we met with school administrators. Last year, I had no idea that ASK provided these services and it’s been an incredible resource for us!” Proud of their Native American heritage, Tecumseh’s family has found community in the citizens of the Pamunkey Tribe, who have remained a critical lifeline throughout their childhood cancer journey. We look forward to welcoming TK and his three younger siblings to upcoming ASK events like Summer Camp, where they can continue building community with others who understand what they’ve been through. “Our biggest struggle as the parents of a sick child is making sure everyone in our family feels supported and gets what they need, in spite of cancer and treatment schedules,” Samantha shares. “Having ASK as a resource that is so closely tied to the clinical team but also supporting families through programming and services, is invaluable. Someone is paying attention to the science of diagnosis, but ASK is paying attention to the impact on the family.” “It’s a well-established protocol of three years of chemotherapy, but an intensive six to nine months of aggressive chemo,” Samantha explains. “He’s responding well to treatment, and I continue to be impressed with his resilience, grace and humor. He is still his sweet, kind self, even during the worst of the chemo.”

  • Meet ASK Kid Campbell

    ASK is an organization that truly makes life better for kids with cancer. Just spend five minutes with ASK kid Campbell who is one of ASK's biggest fans and an ASK kid now in her teens. Campbell was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia with the positive Philadelphia chromosome, a rare leukemia for children, when she was six years old. Now 15, Campbell still remembers the first time she was introduced to ASK's special events and programs for kids with cancer. "It was so comforting to talk with other kids just like me, who knew what I was going through and to go to a place where I wasn't the only bald kid," recalls Campbell. "I enjoyed getting together with them, especially when we were at the ASK Summer Camp." A week-long summer camp is just one of the programs that ASK provides for pediatric oncology children, held at the ASK administrative offices. When it began, campers could attend multiple weeks. However, as the number of children diagnosed with cancer or rare blood diseases increased each year, campers could only attend one week due to space limitations. That's just one reason why the new ASK Family Center is so critical for children with cancer and their families. "It's going to be so awesome," squealed Campbell when speaking of the new facility. "We can have after-school events, tutoring, parties and cook in the kitchen. Now I get to be a counselor at summer camp so I'm super excited to see the kids and hear about their progress. The new space is going to provide us a safe place for us to talk and have fun and just be kids. It's going to make so many more things possible for us." ​Campbell's right. The new ASK Family Center will more than double areas for social and educational opportunities for children with specific medical and social needs. Now in a capital campaign to raise the $275,000 necessary to renovate the space, ASK kids need your help. "I can't imagine my cancer experience without the help and guidance of ASK staff and the programs they provide for kids," gushes Campbell. "Actually, my entire family is involved in the ASK 5K (Team Soup!) and other special events and we have benefited so much from all that ASK has to offer. Even with my older brother, Parker, has attended programs for siblings. The new Family Center will allow us to do even more fun activities, reach even more kids and most importantly, help create more joy for all of us. That's amazing!"

  • Meet Hearts of Gold Sponsor: Connected Solutions Group

    Michael Pittman has a big heart for children so when a friend invited him and his wife, Luci, to the ASK Above & Beyond Gala in 2018, Michael was happy to attend and make a contribution. Michael and Luci's support didn't stop that night though. They later attended the ASK Fall Bash and then stepped as a gala sponsor through their company, Connected Solutions Group (CSG) and have brought CSG employees to the event to learn more about ASK's mission. All of this has led to the CSG team making the new ASK Family Center a priority. "This new facility will impact kids with cancer right here in our community. I'm a native Richmonder and I love that I can help my neighbors and friends," shares Michael. Little did Michael know how close to home ASK services would hit. Just a few months after being introduced to ASK, the child of one of his groomsmen in his wedding was diagnosed with a rare blood disease and another close friend's child was diagnosed with a rare childhood cancer. "I've held both of those kids since they were born and their diagnoses rocked me. With childhood cancer diagnoses on the rise, you just never know when it's going to happen to someone you love," reflects Michael. "We're so fortunate that I have a company that's growing and we can help. It's important for us to be involved in ASK Childhood Cancer Foundation because this organization is clearly making lives better for children with cancer and reaching families in ways you can't imagine until you go through it." The new ASK Family Center is just one more way ASK is serving their kids and families. The new space will help expand resources for the special social, educational and psychological needs of pediatric cancer patients. Additional financial resources are needed to meet the $275,000 goal. Michael, his wife Luci and all of the employees of the Lucent Group are excited to be a part of the effort. "I've spoken to parents of kids impacted by ASK and as a donor, it's incredibly satisfying to hear how a gift from the heart can enhance their traumatic experience. This organization is so well managed and they are doing great work. I'm honored to say I'm an ASK supporter!"

  • Meet ASK Kid Javi

    "​I can remember the exact moment we learned of Javi's diagnosis. It was certainly a rough day. But no time was wasted and we immediately started receiving phone calls to schedule further tests, which started our journey at the Children's Hospital of Richmond at VCU. Within days, Javi had a port inserted and started chemotherapy. It was a whirlwind, but we had no idea of the tornado that was about to hit us," shares his mom, Amy. ASK Kourageous Kid Javi is a typical five-year-old who loves to play baseball and soccer and runs around in his firefighter and police uniform. He loves books and is now learning to read in kindergarten. Today Javi is healthy, but less than two years ago, in early May 2019, he began having large clusters of swollen lymph nodes in his neck. His pediatrician knew something was wrong and conducted a series of blood tests, ultrasounds, X-rays, PET scans, and a biopsy of the most prominent cervical lymph node, Javi was diagnosed with Stage 3S, Epstein-Barr Virus Positive (EBV+) Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Javi's active treatment consisted of four 21-day cycles of chemotherapy, with the first three days of chemo administered inpatient. Initially scheduled for six full cycles, Javi and his family received the news that he was a "rapid responder," and his cancer had dramatically decreased after the first two chemo cycles. "It was the best possible scenario," continued Amy, "and after four cycles of chemo, his cancer was gone! The doctors determined that he could discontinue chemo, and now we do follow-up appointments at the Survivorship Clinic every three months. In October, we will celebrate Javi's two-year anniversary of being cancer-free!" "It's hard to believe that our normal was picked up and spun around, and we had to find a new normal," reflects Amy. "When you find out that your child has cancer and your family is going through the active treatment phase, it's almost as if you don't realize anything else that's going on around you in your life. You become fixated on the present, just focusing on the fight one day at a time. Then just as quickly as that crazy tornado blew in, it was gone! I remember looking around my life and thinking, 'What just happened?' Amy continues, "You don't realize when you're going through something like this that you aren't fully processing your thoughts and feelings; it's almost as if you're living in a constant state of adrenaline. It was only after we received the results of the PET scan that stated, 'No scintigraphic evidence of active disease,' that we began to process our feelings and heal as a family." Since his diagnosis, ASK has been with Javi and his family, and Amy describes the support as their "steady rock and constant companion." One of the most impactful programs for Javi is ASK's First STEP Preschool, where kids with cancer and their siblings can attend pre-school while still in treatment. "We were so concerned that he would fall behind in learning and social skills, but First STEP provided a way for Javi to continue being a typical preschooler. I love that ASK sees a need and then figures out a way to solve the problem." Javi is now experiencing some late-term, cognitive effects due to chemotherapy and ASK educational coordinator, Alma Morgan, is there to work with Javi's Kindergarten teacher and assistant principal to develop a 504 plan to ensure he receives the accommodations he needs to enhance his learning. "Perhaps one of the most phenomenal things about ASK is that this organization continues to provide support, even after diagnosis and treatment," says Amy. "We are so grateful for all of the events and recognitions of birthdays and special events but to know that we will be part of this family for the rest of our lives is incredible! I can't tell you how much it means to us to know that we will never be forgotten." ​Javi's infectious smile and boundless energy are impossible for us to forget! Thank you to our ASK community for helping to be there for this family and making life better for kids with cancer!

  • Meet Game Changers: Doug and Sharon Keefer

    Doug Keefer attended a small fundraiser with his son, Ben, while visiting from California. Ben, one of the founders of Mustaches 4 Kids - Richmond, wanted his dad to hear about one of M4K's primary partners, ASK Childhood Cancer Foundation. After five minutes of listening about the purpose, programs and services in which ASK provides to pediatric cancer children and their families, Doug was "all in for ASK." "I was so overwhelmed by the caring and targeted way ASK is able to touch families as they go through the unimaginable. I wanted to learn more and I knew I had to become part of their team," said Doug. He attended an ASK summer camp and that's when he decided to be a part of the ASK team and become a game-changing member for ASK children, families and staff. Doug and his wife, Sharon, have committed a matching gift of $50,000 toward the new ASK Family Center where children diagnosed with cancer in our community and their families can gather for education, emotional and social support. "I've been so impressed with the leadership of the ASK administrative team," continued Doug and "I know that ASK will manage my gift well. But I've been most impressed with the kids themselves. As I listened to them talk about their diagnosis, treatments, progress and realities of having cancer - some only five years old - I was inspired and humbled by their courage and positive attitudes. It was one of the most emotional afternoons of my life. They are my heroes and helping ASK is now part of my DNA." Doug and Sharon's game-changing gift is the first toward the $275,000 goal to help double ASK's physical space and grow programming space. Until February 14th, the Keefers will match all donations, up to $50,000. "These kids are fighting and they need our help to keep fighting," says Doug passionately. "Resources are so necessary and I say to everyone that is reading this, "how can you not help?" "Caring for these children is a passion that I now share with the ASK clinical and administrative staff and my son. Ben's dedication has exposed me to a whole new opportunity for giving. This is one of the greatest bonds a father can have with his son and I want all ASK parents to have that opportunity with their children."

  • Meet Game Changers: Kevin and Emily Williamson

    When Kevin Williamson attended the ASK Above & Beyond Gala in March 2018, he had no idea how inspired he would be by the children he met that night. He had first learned of ASK when participating in M4K Richmond but the night of the gala is when his heart changed forever. Kevin was so moved that he agreed to serve on the ASK Development Committee and be part of the charge helping to raise the level of care for children with cancer and their families. "My wife, Emily, and I have always made philanthropy part of our lives, but the more I learned about ASK, the more I wanted to be a dedicated volunteer," explains Kevin. "I have so many connections to ASK, both professionally and personally, which made all of the events fun, but the talented staff and the overall mission of ASK - to go above and beyond for these amazing families - inspires me. I want to be part of the upward trajectory of this phenomenal organization." Kevin's enthusiasm is infectious and he's always willing to do whatever it takes to help ASK dream big for making life better for children with cancer and serious blood disorders. From generously sponsoring events to introducing family and friends to the mission to helping plan ASK's Above & Beyond 20/20 Gala when it turned virtual, Kevin shows up with a big smile and is ready to crush any fundraising goal. Currently, Kevin is part of the charge fundraising for the new ASK Family Center, scheduled to open in June 2021. "This is our chance to make a huge difference for families right here in Central Virginia. The ASK clinical and administrative staff step into the unknown every day for these families. That's the hard work, done with so much genuine love and caring. However, from my perspective, it's very clear what needs to be done to better serve these precious children and how we can support that effort. While the $275,000 goal is lofty, it's our turn to 'level-up' for ASK!"

  • Welcome Tim Cosgrove: Our New ASK Board President!

    We could (and did!) put an album together of Tim Cosgrove grilling at ASK summer camp, but there's more to Tim than being a grillmaster. Tim is now President of the ASK Board of Directors and helping to lead the charge in raising the level of care for children with cancer. And, to think, it all started with one simple invitation. In 2015, Tim was asked by a co-worker (who happens to be married to Miss Katie) if he would sponsor the ASK 5K & Fun Walk. Tim, then general manager with CMA's Colonial Honda, immediately agreed. “We have a very active volunteer committee at work, and once we started working with ASK, we were hooked,” explains Tim. Tim went on to join the ASK development committee in 2017 and he has served on the ASK Board of Directors since 2018. In between the years, Tim has given back in numerous ways. From rolling up his sleeves for event set-up to wrapping a car for his ASK walk team to closing the dealership so employees could participate in ASK events. “The first time I volunteered at the Kourageous Kids event, I was so moved by the stories of each child. I think I realized for the first time just how much these kids and families go through, but they remain strong and courageous and hopeful. We’ve volunteered for that event every year, and every year it reaffirms my commitment to ASK,” says Tim. Childhood cancer hit close to home when a dear friend’s three-year-old son, ASK kid Grady, was diagnosed with B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. To further his commitment to ASK, Tim as the new general manager of CMA's Colonial Subaru, is donating $25 to ASK for every new car sold in 2021. Tim also hopes to challenge other businesses to become a partner with ASK. “This organization is so well managed and provides such critical support and programs for children with cancer, their parents and their siblings. I’m hoping that we can increase participation from other companies who are looking to really contribute to their community in a significant way.” ​ Tim will serve as president of the Board for the 2021-2023 term, and is hoping to help raise awareness of ASK and its mission in the Central Virginia area, especially in Fredericksburg where he resides. ASK has been supporting the Greater Fredericksburg Area since 2011 with programs for patients, survivors and siblings living in that are a who are treated at CHOR, which includes weekly after school enrichment, summer camp and social events. After 10 years of managing programs from afar, we've grown our program team to include a Fredericksburg Program Coordinator, which will give families living in the area a dedicated ASK resource within their community. “I am continually blown away by what ASK and the medical team in the ASK Clinic accomplish every day,” continues Tim. “They customize the experience to every child and work so well as a team to provide social, emotional, financial and educational support to children and families. It’s the only organization of its kind serving patients and survivors in Central Virginia, and I’m so honored to be a volunteer!”

  • Meet ASK Kid Kennedy

    Seven-year-old Kennedy loves gymnastics and practices it at least an hour a day, so when she suddenly stopped wanting to go, her mom knew something was wrong. Athena, Kennedy's mom, thought maybe she was being bullied. However, it wasn't long after Kennedy had a series of fevers that they drove to their pediatrician's office and found the answer. Once Kennedy's pediatrician ran her blood work, they saw the low blood counts and broke the news "likely leukemia.” Athena immediately rushed home, packed a bag and headed to VCU Health. Doctors confirmed the diagnosis later that night, and Kennedy was in surgery the following morning. On May 12, 2021, she had her port placed and began chemotherapy as part of her treatment plan that will span nearly two and a half years. ​"Terrifying is how I would describe that day. There was no time to research the diagnosis or think about the best course of action," exclaims Athena. "But then we were okay, as we got to go home a week later, and Kennedy's treatment would be outpatient going forward. It felt manageable." Childhood cancer is not predictable, though. Life can change instantly from the moment of diagnosis and through treatment – and that was the case for Kennedy and her family. ​Thankfully, Kennedy was back on her feet and released from the hospital after nine days, which was long enough for her family to feel the impact of the pandemic. Opportunities for socialization and connection were tough to come by. ​"Being inpatient was isolating as there was no interaction with other patients," recalls Athena. "The same is true for when we returned to outpatient treatment at the ASK clinic. Kennedy goes straight back to her room; there are no waiting room activities or meeting other kids. Having Katie, ASK's child life specialist, in the clinic has helped tremendously. When Kennedy had an unexpected blood transfusion, she was crying and upset. Katie brought in a huge LEGO set to help her pass the time, and they talked and laughed. She's able to calm Kennedy down and make her smile." ASK chaplain Rich is another calming presence that has made an impression on Kennedy. Rich checks in with them often to talk and just see how they're doing – though Kennedy thinks of him as the guy who knows about LOL dolls. "The dolls definitely help to pass the time as they take 30 minutes just to unwrap," laughs Athena. In addition to the family support team in clinic, Athena shares that social events, like ASK Night at The Diamond and the Kourageous Kids Celebration, have been an enormous comfort to her and her family. "After Kennedy's diagnosis, we felt like we were alone in a bubble, but ASK's social events have allowed us to meet other families," Athena explains. "I also attend the parent meet-ups, which have been good for having time without the kids present so that I can express my feelings. Being able to meet parents further along in their treatment journey and to ask questions about what to expect at different stages is very helpful." "Even scarier than the day of Kennedy's diagnosis was the following week when she spiked another fever, and we were told she would need to go to inpatient for up to 28 days until her blood counts improved," shares Athena. "All of a sudden, we were moving into the hospital and having to figure out plans for our son's care and our work. My mom quickly flew in from Washington state to help." Athena and her family are grateful to ASK for all of the family support provided. "ASK offers a sense of community which is mind-changing. It's how I get through it." Watch the Keene family's story below:

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