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  • Meet ASK Kid Grady

    Just six months ago, Grady was a very different little boy, always complaining of leg and stomach aches and sleeping much of the day away. Today, Grady is a typical four-year-old boy who loves long nature walks, summers at the pool, and lots and lots of running outside. His mom, Daniele is abundantly grateful for his energy and enthusiasm for life. "Looking back at his short life, I realize he's always been kind of sickly, with several ear and strep infections, and flu and stomach issues," says Daniele. When Grady and his family flew to Texas for Thanksgiving in 2019, his health took a turn for the worse and he was uncontrollably sick the entire flight back to Virginia. He never fully recovered from this episode and was eventually diagnosed in April 2020 with B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, the most common type of pediatric leukemia. Grady immediately began six months of intensive chemotherapy to get his leukemia under control. He will spend the next 2.5 years on daily liquid chemotherapy from home as maintenance. His paren ts already have a celebration plain in place for July 2, 2022, the day when Grady takes his last chemo treatment. ​"ASK helps us celebrate every day with Grady and I'm sure they'll be a part of his last treatment day celebration as well" exclaims Daniele. "ASK has been a beacon of hope throughout this journey and we couldn't have done this without them. Truly, I can't imagine our lives right now without ASK." Daniele describes the ASK staff as their "firm foundation from the moment of diagnosis. Katie Barber, ASK child life specialist, is an amazing soul. We had no clue what we were about to experience in clinic but there was Katie to help us navigate the complexities of treatment and provide fun for Grady while we were confined to a treatment room." "Katie Barber, ASK child life specialist, is an amazing soul. We had no clue what we were about to experience in clinic but there was Katie to help us navigate the complexities of treatment and provide fun for Grady while we were confined to a treatment room." "ASK continues to anticipate our needs before we even realize what we're needing," continues Daniele. "Whether it's paying for unexpected medical bills or Christmas gifts for the whole family, ASK is always one step ahead of us. I'm so grateful that ASK will be with us through treatment and beyond." ASK continues to support families and patients beyond diagnosis and treatment through school tutoring, a survivorship clinic and camp, programming for emotional, social and wellness support into young adulthood, as well as additional resources for those experiencing cognitive delays as a result of treatment. "Most people don't realize that ASK is with every family, every step of the way. They aren't just here for the frontline diagnosis, but for years and years after treatment. All of us are so blessed to have ASK in our lives."

  • Meet ASK Kid Rowan

    At two years old, Rowan was a super happy baby living with her family near Dallas, Texas. When she became lethargic and started having trouble breathing, her parents took her to an urgent care facility thinking she had a bad cold. However, she was quickly taken to the PICU and she was starting chemotherapy treatments the next night for Pre-B Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Rowan spent six weeks as an inpatient at the Children’s Medical Center in Dallas and needed to be intubated for more than two weeks to help her breathing. She started the induction phase of her chemotherapies and steroids, and in the midst of treatment, her dad’s employment transferred the family to Virginia. “Of course, we were nervous about the continuum of treatment and how to navigate a new hospital system, but the ASK staff greeted us and made us feel welcome as we entered the new doors,” says Rowan’s mom, Devon. “We didn’t know anyone in our new town, and were new to Children’s Hospital of Richmond, but ASK made us feel like family immediately.” In December 2021, Rowan finished two and a half years of chemo and continues to improve each day. “She’s come so far in the last two years,” continues Devon, “but she lost a lot of muscle and experienced neuropathy as a result of being intubated for so long. Although she’s still walking with the help of orthotic braces and has some limited vision in one eye due to the leukemia, she continues to amaze us with what she can do and her constant improvement.” "We didn’t know we could ask for help, and yet they were there to offer exactly what we needed." Rowan’s family arrived in the ASK Clinic in the midst of Covid restrictions, but that didn’t stop ASK from assisting the family financially, as well as spiritually and mentally with a variety of programs and services in Clinic. “They’ve helped with a few bills, and equally as important, helped us find our way in a new maze of optical, orthotic and neurological specialties. We didn’t know we could ask for help, and yet they were there to offer exactly what we needed. “ASK staff is familiar with this crazy cancer world and is a wonderful resource for questions, connecting families so that we can lift and learn from one another, provide events to help us forget about childhood cancer for a short time, and just make us feel at home. They serve the entire family.” Devon says she most appreciates that their care in the ASK Clinic is so personal, tailored exactly to their individual needs. “ASK has been an invaluable resource while going through the worst experience of our lives. Everyone remembers Rowan’s name and knows our family. This is something small that has a huge impact on our well-being. Our most chaotic moments of diagnosis and initial treatment were in Dallas, but because it was such a big hospital, we were just another patient. Here, I know that someone from the ASK Clinic has us covered. Thank you to the staff who deal with childhood cancer every day, and thank you to the donors of ASK who make everything possible. ASK has been our lifeline in Richmond!”

  • Meet ASK Kid Sydney

    “Life came to a screeching halt,” says Vivian, when talking about the day her then 11-year-old daughter was diagnosed with T-Cell Lymphoblastic Lymphoma. “Sydney went from riding horses every day and activities with her Boy Scout troop to being out of breath on very short walks. We were so involved in our children’s activities, with busy school and work schedules, and then this overwhelming thing called pediatric cancer came into our lives.” ​Sydney became very sick, very quickly. Within a few days, she was diagnosed, had surgery to insert tubes to drain fluid from around her heart and lungs, and started her more than two-year regimen of chemotherapies. Although her regular chemo treatments make her extremely nauseous, Sydney finds comfort in her animals and the crafts and games that Ms. Katie, the ASK Child Life Specialist, brings for her when she’s in the ASK Clinic. “I describe ASK as a support group for the entire family,” continues Vivian. “Rich, the ASK chaplain, is so kind and although we’re not religious, he’s always so positive and uplifting. Nurse Alison helped Sydney understand exactly what would happen when the tubes in her lungs were removed and got her through that traumatic experience. Robin, the ASK Survivorship Coordinator, gives me hope for a day when Sydney will be finished with treatment and just living her life, and it’s amazing to know that she will be with us to help guide Sydney into adulthood. Alma, the ASK Educational Coordinator, has been invaluable in helping us integrate schoolwork into Sydney’s chemo schedule and working with the school system to determine what’s most important in ensuring she stays on track. These folks seem to know exactly what we need before we even ask for it, which is remarkable.” Sydney and her family especially enjoyed movie night at the Diamond. Vivian was grateful for a night where they could forget about Lymphoma and just be a family at a fun event. They also were “blown away” by the Holiday Drive-thru party where there were gifts for everyone in their family. “I feel like the volunteers and staff of ASK wrap a warm blanket of kindness around us, and every time I’m on the ground, someone just sits and listens to our story and talks me through it. They remind us to focus on one day at a time – not the past or the future, but to live in the right now.” “I still wake up and think, ‘Is this really happening? Does our daughter really have cancer?’ It is really happening, but I know that Sydney is consistently getting better and that we will never be alone in our fight. ASK will be with us every step of the way, and I could never express enough gratitude. I truly don’t know what I would do without their support.”

  • Brain Bodega Helps ASK Kids Keep Up in School

    Erika Carson knew she had found her calling when she joined Trilogy, a company formerly dedicated to virtual tutoring of school-aged children. When that company changed its business model, Erika founded Brain Bodega, with a focus on online academic mentoring that provides concierge academic services. She also wanted to continue and strengthen the existing partnership with ASK as we work with childhood cancer patients and their siblings while they go through treatment and head into survivorship, all while trying to succeed in school. This year, we celebrate the 5th anniversary of our online tutoring program with Brain Bodega as our trusted academic partner! “This partnership is deeply personal for me because I am a childhood cancer survivor of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia who experienced latent effects of chemotherapy,” recounts Erika. “I had ‘chemo brain,’ and struggled in graduate school. I hatched the idea for Brain Bodega while working on my PhD and knew that I could create a program that specialized in helping kids with trauma.” “Some of our instructors and kids have been together for years, and we’re seeing real success stories as a result of our partnership." Brain Bodega provides unique educational support with a wholistic approach. “We currently serve about 30 ASK students and their siblings and help with everything from focusing on specific curriculum needs to critical thinking skills and organizational skills. We don’t want to replicate the classroom, but rather tailor a program to the individual needs of each child and match their energy level.” ​ Each ASK client undergoes a thorough academic assessment and instructors are chosen to match the academic needs, as well as the personality, of each child. Then, they start their 1:1 mentoring. In conjunction with in-patient and out-patient clinic educational support from our Education Coordinator, Alma Morgan, Brain Bodega helps bridge the gap in missed classroom instruction and provides sometimes necessary extra instruction. “Parents are especially grateful for Brain Bodega because it provides the remediation needed after treatment, when children are transitioning back to school and struggling with the cognitive late effects of treatment,” explains Alma. Erika says the best part of the partnership is that ASK clients and instructors are like family. “Some of our instructors and kids have been together for years, and we’re seeing real success stories as a result of our partnership. I’m so grateful to ASK for taking this leap of faith with me and believing that this partnership will best serve the ASK families.”

  • Celebrating 19 Years of Strides and Smiles: The ASK 5K & Fun Walk Presented by Anthem

    Lace-up your running shoes because we're gearing up for the 19th Annual ASK 5K & Fun Walk! This event has become a treasured tradition for us at ASK and the entire community, rallying behind families battling childhood cancer. And guess what? Once again, Anthem is leading the charge as our presenting sponsor for the 19th year in a row! Their steadfast commitment to our cause has been the fuel propelling us forward, and we can't thank them enough for their tireless support that keeps us running toward our goal. Get ready to put your best foot forward because this year's 19th Annual ASK 5K & Fun Walk will be an event for the history books! Set for Saturday, May 18th, 2024, at The Diamond, it's a day you won't want to miss. From the camaraderie to the sense of purpose, this event embodies the spirit of a community coming together for a common goal – to make life better for children battling cancer across Virginia. Not yet registered? No worries at all, you can register today at Can't make it in person? No sweat! We have virtual participation options available, ensuring everyone can participate in the action. Is your company looking for a team-building exercise that also benefits the community? This is your chance to shine through sponsorship or team participation! We will rally together with more than 1,000 participants, most families of children who are going through treatment or who are now into survivorship. A visual representation of the community coming together to celebrate their cancer journey and supporting the more than 300 children who will receive a cancer diagnosis this year. The ASK 5K & Fun Walk isn't just about covering ground; it's a celebration of resilience and strength. Our goal this year? To raise $250,000, and we know with your support, we can crush that target! Every dollar raised goes towards supporting children battling cancer and their families, providing them with the care, resources, and support they need during their journey. The fun kicks off bright and early with a Pre-Race Tailgate at 8:00 am, featuring games, activities, music, and more to get those muscles warmed up for the 3.1-mile run/walk. Psst, this year, we've got something extra sweet – introducing the Kid's Donut Dash at 8:45 am! Watch your little ones dash for delicious treats in this quick sprint. And don't forget, a medal awaits every participant who crosses the finish line. After all that excitement, we'll gather for an awards ceremony at 9:00 am to recognize our top fundraisers, teams, and the ones with the most pep in their step. But wait, there's more! The celebration continues at the Post-Race Festival on the concourse, complete with live music, activities to keep the kiddos entertained, and a Kourageous Kids Victory lap. It's the perfect way to cap off a day. As we reflect on the past 18 years of the ASK 5K & Fun Walk, we're reminded of the incredible journey we've embarked on – a journey powered by love, compassion, and a lot of hustle. We thank Anthem for their unwavering support and our sponsors, participants, volunteers, and everyone who has helped make this event a roaring success year after year. So mark your calendars, rally your troops, and join us on May 18th as we stride, stroll, and celebrate hope. Because with your support, the ASK 5K & Fun Walk isn't just a walk – it's a testament to the power of community, coming together to make a difference one step at a time.

  • Meet ASK Kid Madelyn

    Four-year-old Madelyn, or Maddie, is the 23rd person in the United States to be diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia with the sub-type RAM phenotype. Big words for a sweet little girl fighting a huge battle, but Maddie is resilient! She’s currently in remission following extensive chemotherapy and a bone marrow transplant – though, she and her family still have a ways to go on their childhood cancer journey. “Madelyn has fought infections, kidney failure, a bone marrow transplant, and leukemia to be here, but she’s a sassy diva with a big personality and she’s showing all of us how to get through this life-changing event,” laughs Stephanie, Maddie’s mom. “It’s been a grueling process for a little one, and hard to watch our baby go through something so difficult, but we have an amazing support system in ASK Childhood Cancer Foundation.” “We met the folks of ASK almost immediately,” Stephanie remembers. “They found us and explained the financial, psychological, and social support they would provide our family, and answered questions we didn’t even know we had.” When FMLA ended for both Stephanie and her husband, they were left to face the immense financial burden of childhood cancer. ASK stepped in to pay the family’s mortgage and car payment for one month and provided gas gift cards, allowing Maddie’s family to focus on helping her get stronger. “People don’t know what our family goes through on a daily basis. They hear that Maddie is in remission but don’t understand that she is still in treatment and this cancer diagnosis continues to interfere with our normal lives,” Stephanie explains. “But the people at ASK that we see every day in Clinic or when Maddie is in the hospital understand us and know what we need, often before we do. Our constant support system is ASK. They never leave us." - ASK Mom Stephanie ASK remains part of our families' lives forever because a childhood cancer diagnosis changes life forever. Our approach to providing all-around support for families like Madelyn’s goes far beyond their time in treatment; we’re there to help them keep up and transition back to school, connect them with services and resources as they grow, and offer social events to help them feel “normal” for a while with other families who understand what they’ve been through. Maddie will continue her monthly chemo treatments until March 2024, when her parents hope she can finally ring the bell marking the end of treatment and celebrate! For now, she and her brother Riley are thriving, enjoying their new bunny, Poppy, and looking forward to swimming again in the pool next summer. “We’re trying to move through each day and leave the memories of long hospital stays, feeding tubes and intense chemo behind us and focus on a happy future,” Stephanie shares. “It is both a blessing and a curse that this happened to Maddie at such a young age. Her physical scars will heal, but we don’t know what the treatments will do long-term. The worry is hard on our souls, but we know ASK will be with us every step of the way. I don’t know how we would make this journey without them!”

  • Midas of Richmond: Driving Change and Making Life Better for Children Battling Cancer

    Buckle up and get ready for a joyous ride as we share the heartwarming impact of our tire-iffic Making Life Better Partner, Midas of Richmond, and its owners, Mark and Patty Smith. They're not just changing tires; they're changing lives with their "Tires with a Purpose" campaign, and we can't help but rev our engines with excitement and gratitude. Midas of Richmond has gone above and beyond to support children battling cancer through their Tires with a Purpose campaign. When you choose to roll into Midas for new tires, not only are you treating your car to some serious TLC, but you're also fueling hope for children battling cancer in Central Virginia. Midas chips in $2.50 for every tire sold to ASK Childhood Cancer Foundation – it's like a pit stop for a good cause! Since the campaign’s launch in May of 2023, Mark and Patty’s crew at Midas of Richmond sold a whopping 4,689 tires, bringing in a total of nearly $12,000! Talk about putting the pedal to the metal for a meaningful mission. Mark, you and your team are tireless champions, and we can't thank you enough for your commitment to Making Life Better for these brave children. Now, let's take a pit stop and admire the extra miles Mark and Patty have gone. They are also annual funders of our ASK Summer Camp, which serves nearly 100 children each year, but they’re also greasing the gears for active treatment families in Central Virginia. Free oil changes? That's not just oil – it's liquid love for families navigating the twists and turns of childhood cancer. But wait, there's more in this automotive adventure! Mark and Patty understand that sometimes families need a little extra horsepower during challenging times. When one family hit a speed bump, he didn't just lend a helping hand; he handed over the keys to a loaner vehicle, ensuring they could easily cruise to and from the hospital for their child's treatment. Midas of Richmond, you're not just fixing cars; you're making life better for our families. Your dedication to our cause is like a perfectly tuned engine – powerful, reliable, and full of heart. Your support is like a smooth ride on a freshly paved road, making the journey a little brighter for every family facing childhood cancer. So here's to Midas of Richmond and Mark and Patty Smith – our tireless heroes making the world a better place, one tire at a time! Your commitment to our cause is like a well-oiled machine, and we are so grateful to have you steering the way toward a brighter future for children and their families battling cancer in your community. Learn more about ASK's #MakingLifeBetter Campaign and how you can become a community partner HERE! For more information, please contact Rachael Schrinel, Director of Philanthropy, at

  • WDBJ7 Roanoke: ASK Kid Nikolas’s Journey through Pediatric Cancer and the Support of ASK Childhood Cancer Foundation

    ASK Kid Nikolas was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) at the age of nine and spent five challenging months in the hospital, enduring intensive chemotherapy. Despite the isolation from friends and the uncertainty that shadowed his days, he found a beacon of support in Amy Fender, ASK Education Support Navigator. She helped him navigate the complexities of hospital life, offering educational materials and companionship during his treatment, ensuring he didn't lose hope or fall behind in his studies. Recently, Nikolas and Amy Fender had the opportunity to share Nikolas's inspiring story with WDBJ7 Morning and Noon Anchor Kimberly McBroom, where Nikolas recounted his battle with cancer and the crucial role Amy Fender played in his education and emotional well-being. Kimberly McBroom at WDBJ7 Roanoke has the story: To see the very precocious nine-year-old Nikolas Pakkidis, you’d never know that he’s already fought the battle of his life. “I wouldn’t eat. I wouldn’t drink. I wouldn’t do anything. I was nauseous all the time, and it got to the point where they had to take me to the emergency room,” says Nikolas. “He was much more weak, not very talkative, and I kind of just wanted them to see my face, know that I was there when it was time to transition back to school,” says ASK Education Support Navigator, Amy Fender. Fender helped Nikolas keep up with his schoolwork, while he was in the hospital. Now, Nikolas is back to school one day a week. “The normalcy is so important, like with Nicholas, he only goes once a week. But he can build up. He gets to see his friends. He can kind of get used to the idea of going back, and go back at his own pace,” says Fender. Through his words, Nikolas's courage and resilience shone brightly throughout the interview, touching viewers' hearts across the region. As his story inspires hope and awareness, Nikolas and his family remain dedicated advocates for pediatric cancer patients and survivors, exemplifying the power of community and compassion in overcoming life's greatest challenges. Want to learn more about ASK Childhood Cancer Foundation and how you can help support children like Nikolas and their families battling cancer across the Commonwealth? Get Involved today!

  • Meet ASK Kid Hebelin

    Hebelin carries herself with wisdom well beyond her years, despite the fact that she’s just 14 years old. Originally from Venezuela, Hebelin is a bright, young teen who enjoys going to school (especially art class!) and spending time with her loving family. But behind her poised presence and encouraging smile is an awe-inspiring story to tell: a lifelong battle with Sickle Cell Anemia, and a family’s incredible journey across continents to save their daughter. Their story began on Hebelin’s first birthday when she received her official diagnosis of Sickle Cell Anemia, a genetic blood disorder. The year ahead involved a dozen hospitalizations, blood transfusions, gallbladder and appendix surgery, and various other treatments to try and manage Hebelin’s pain. As hard as the doctors tried, nothing worked. Hebelin’s father, Heberto, remembers the countless sleepless nights he and his family endured throughout that year – but also, the miracles. “She developed pneumonia during an anemia crisis and fell unconscious,” Heberto recalls. “The doctors didn’t understand what was happening to her, so we just prayed. We prayed, and we received a miracle that night.” “Another time, Hebelin was in the hospital on oxygen, and the electricity was turned off,” remembers Heberto. “I carried my baby to my car and drove from hospital to hospital looking for power so that my baby would live.” As they were about to give up hope, they finally found a hospital with power and narrowly saved Hebelin’s life. It was then that Heberto and Lisseth knew the key to their baby’s survival was to leave their lives in Venezuela and immigrate to the United States. Fast forward, Hebelin is now in eighth grade and thriving socially, academically, and medically! Thanks in part, her parents say, to the support they’ve received from ASK. “ASK has loved our family and thoroughly changed our lives. Life has been really hard for our daughter, but ASK’s education support navigator has helped Hebelin get settled into a safe and supportive environment where she can learn a new language and be a teenager. ASK has provided financial support and emotional support through family events. We came to the U.S. with God’s help, and the people at ASK have been our angels on this journey!” - ASK dad Heberto Hebelin’s favorite ASK events include the Holiday Party, the Richmond Zoo trip, Bingo night, and weekly after-school socials where she practices her English and makes new friends. “There are so many good things about ASK,” Hebelin beams. “Words cannot describe what ASK has done for our family. Donors can see with their own eyes the kids like me who are happy even though we’re in clinic and receiving treatments. That’s because of ASK.” “We live every day to the maximum and do everything together as a family,” Heberto continues. “Sickle Cell is a sickness that many people don’t know about, so it’s important to raise awareness of the disease and how it affects our children. We went to several countries to find treatments for our daughter, and we are so grateful that her pain can be managed now. We look forward to a day when our daughter can be free of this disease.”

  • Meet ASK Kid Owen

    Originally from Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, ASK dad Andrew Frantz worked in as a seasonal ranger, and Rebecca as a pastor. Together, they enjoyed life raising their adorable 2-year-old son, Owen: a brave and talkative tot who befriends everyone he meets, with boundless energy and a love for life that fills every room he goes into. In 2021, life started to change when Owen developed an on-and-off fever over the course of several months. It wasn't until his teacher noticed Owen's discomfort at daycare that Andrew and Rebecca started to realized something was seriously wrong. On March 3, 2022, Owen was diagnosed with B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL), turning the entire family’s world upside down. Owen started treatment in Pennsylvania immediately, but in the midst of the family’s move to Richmond, had to continue his next phase at the Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU. That's where Katie Barber, our Child Life Specialist, welcomed them with open arms. “From our first appointment, she was there telling us about ASK letting us know that she was there for whatever we might need,” says Rebecca. The Frantz’s didn’t waste any time finding their Richmond community, and just two days after meeting Katie, the family found themselves at their very first ASK event: the Night at the Diamond! ​ “We hadn’t even been here a week, and we were already getting the benefits of ASK. When they got all the kids and families together to go out on the field they had some music playing, he just started dancing and playing around with some kids,” Andrew remembers. “When the stadium speakers started blasting Don’t Stop Believing as all these kids and their ASK shirts were coming out on the field… it was hard not to get choked up." ​"The transitions and challenges we faced would have been unimaginable without ASK,” Andrew shares. “Their support is nothing short of remarkable… It really is almost kind of a full-scale support network." This special experience was the first of many times they’d grow their bond with ASK. Since their move, they’ve gotten to meet and connect with other kids and families through ASK events and programs like the Day at the Zoo, First STEP Preschool, our annual Family Holiday Party and Self Care Day specifically for parents with a child in active treatment. Not to mention, Owen was a 2022 Kourageous Kid and the Frantz' were our very special featured family at this year’s ASK Gala. It was a busy year! ASK has also been there for them behind the scenes, supporting them through gift cards and financial support, and emotionally through the free psychology services we provide our families as they endure the isolation and stressful emotions that come with having a child in treatment for cancer. "The transitions and challenges we faced would have been unimaginable without ASK,” Andrew shares. “Their support is nothing short of remarkable… It really is almost kind of a full-scale support network." Through ASK, Owen and his family have found a new community and network of support – people who care for them, giving them the strength to fight on, one day at a time. “I think we are just really grateful that ASK has the support that it has so that it’s been able to be such a great support for us,” adds Rebecca. “Even once Owen’s done with active treatment, he’ll still be part of a community that will actively engage him through when he graduates and beyond,” Andrew continues. Owen still has a ways to go until his end of treatment date in May 2024, but we’ll be there on his journey every step of the way, and forever after. Once an ASK kid, always an ASK kid!

  • Meet ASK Kid Talon

    "When we received the initial cancer diagnosis, we were completely overwhelmed," recalls Gentry Busic. "ASK became an amazing partner, without whom we could not have found our way." Gentry's son, Talon, was eight years old when he was diagnosed with Stage 1 Large B-Cell Lymphoma. After weekly chemotherapy treatments and three spinal infusions, Talon entered remission and hasn't looked back. Now 10 years old, Talon plays baseball, loves to be outside on his bike, swims for his neighborhood swim team, and is crazy about Disney. His family is grateful for his recovery, and the constant care they received from ASK. "We know that we couldn't have gotten through such an ordeal if it weren't for the constant love and support from the staff of ASK. Little gifts and notes and event just a kind word, not to mention the patient services and support groups that ASK provided to our entire family, were vital to our success." Gentry stresses that ASK is a local organization, and your donations help kids here in Central Virginia. "I think it's so important that we support this amazing organization that is going above and beyond for children with cancer right here in our community," continues Gentry. It also means that ASK can create and modify programs to best serve patients and survivors in our community. "Our support from ASK began from the moment of diagnosis," says Gentry. "ASK knew that Talon's diagnosis would affect our entire family, so their sibling and care giver programs have been as important to us as the care they've given to Talon. We could never say thank you enough!"

  • Meet ASK Kid Holden

    When Holden was nine months old, his parents thought his low-grade fever was a cold or maybe strep throat but a simple blood test showed an abnormality and within hours of being sent to the emergency room, Holden's entire young life changed. Holden was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML), but this wasn't his family's first experience with this disease. Holden's dad, Josh, was diagnosed with AML in 2006 when he was 19 years old and carried the CEBPA genetic mutation for the disease. Holden's treatment included six months of intensive chemotherapy and long weeks of hospitalization. ASK became a lifeline for the family, providing spiritual, emotional and financial support. "We've been social distancing before there was social distancing," says Holden's mom, Jess. "Initially, we couldn't participate in the fun activities ASK offers for patients and their families because Holden was in the hospital of going to the ASK Clinic two or three times per week." "We felt so isolated from family and friends and that's when the folks at ASK became so important to our family." Like many ASK families, Jess and Josh had to make the decision for one of them to stay home to manage Holden's healthcare. Within days of Holden's diagnosis, Jess quit her teaching job and they became a one-income household. "We were so worried about finances and then we heard that ASK helps families financially. ASK paid two mortgages and some of our electric bill. What a huge relief!" "Our ASK family is always here for us. Whether it's surprise gift cards in the mail, remembering our birthdays or just a smiling face in clinic when we're having a bad day, ASK is always working in the background to support our entire family." Holden's four year old sister, Piper, attends First STEP Preschool as First Baptist Church. First STEP was designed to meet the unique educational, social and emotional needs of young children with chronic illness and includes siblings. "ASK is an amazing organization that provides such a wide variety of programs and services for families diagnosed with a childhood cancer," Jess continues. "They get what's most important -- not the stuff, but the caring and connection. Everyone is so helpful and caring. Respite care on my birthday, mother-daughter spa day that made our daughter feel so special and just having someone who truly understands our situation is so comforting. Holden is in remission right now, but we don't know what the future holds for him. We do know that ASK will be with us every step of the way."

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