Browse our video library for answers to your most common questions (and questions you didn't know you had!) as you navigate your childhood cancer journey – from the moment of diagnosis, through treatment, and into survivorship.
ASK a Nurse
Have a question about the treatment process? Our nurses in the ASK Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Clinic at the Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU have an answer.
Emla Cream and Port Access
How do I apply emla cream to my child’s port before it is accessed?
What is “neutropenia” and what does it mean for my child?
Blood Counts
What do my child's blood counts mean, and why are they like that?
Making Appointments
How do I make a follow-up appointment at clinic?
High Temperature
What do I do if my child has a fever?
Provider On Call
What do I do if I need to reach a doctor or nurse when the clinic is closed?
Procedure Days
What do I do if I need to reach a doctor or nurse when the clinic is closed?
Chemotherapy Days
What can I expect when my child has an appointment for chemotherapy at clinic?
Blood Count Days
What can I expect when my child has an appointment for blood counts?
Family Support
Hear from the ASK psychosocial team and learn how to best support your entire family as your child goes through treatment, as well as how ASK is here to support you.
Intro to ASK Family Support Programs
Kim, ASK’s Family Support Manager, is often the first person you will hear from after your child’s diagnosis. She helps our families with gift cards and other support services to lighten the load.
Parenting a Child in Treatment: An Overview
Learn about the mental health support ASK offers to all our parents and families as their child goes through treatment.
How Parents Cope
It is important for parents of children in treatment to seek healthy coping mechanisms. Coping does not look the same for everyone and can change over time.
Parenting Your Preschooler or Elementary School Age Child in Treatment
Effectively parenting a child with a chronic or life-threatening illness will look differently depending on the age of the child.
Parenting Your Teen in Treatment
Parenting a teen, who is defining their identity and becoming more independent, comes with different challenges when diagnosed with a life-threatening illness.
Parenting the Sibling of a Child in Treatment
Make sure to set aside time for the siblings in your family and include them in the routine of taking care of their ill sibling.
Social & Emotional Issues During Treatment
A childhood cancer diagnosis brings up many uncomfortable emotions in your child and family. It can disrupt social structures like school and friendships. These are all normal responses to an abnormal childhood experience.
If your child's cancer returns, your child and family can experience strong emotions as a result.
Grief & Bereavement Support
Grief is unique to each family and family member. You may feel angry and alone. Our chaplain can be with you as you grieve.
Community Support
Just as there is strength in numbers, there’s strength in finding your sense of community as you navigate the changes and emotions that come with childhood cancer treatment.
Communicating Your Child's Diagnosis
It is helpful to have a plan for what information you will be sharing with friends and family and how you will be sharing it. Learn about options available, including online forums.
Handling the “What Ifs” of Childhood Cancer
It is easy to feel overwhelmed by all the “what ifs,” but it is important to remember the people and resources that can help you stay in the present moment.
Grief, Anger, Guilt and Exhaustion
When a life-changing crisis like childhood cancer strikes, grief, anger, and guilt are all natural – but often lead to exhaustion. There are resources to help you through.
Finding Your Way Over the Course of Childhood Cancer Treatment
Your family’s lifestyle and outside activities will ebb and flow as your child goes through treatment. Each phase comes with certain guidelines and accommodations.
Relaxing Again After Cancer Treatments End
Finding your way post-treatment when you no longer need to be in a state of constant vigilance takes time and self-care. It should not be a cause of anxiety itself.
ASK Us About: Positivity
In this webinar, we discuss how to approach challenging behaviors and situations with positivity, and strategies to respond thoughtfully when emotions are high. Presenter, ASK Education Support Navigator, Lisa Meares, brings a wealth of experience in this area as a former social emotional special education teacher.
ASK Us About: Coping with Emotions and Anxiety
In this webinar, we cover what is happening in the brain and body when we experience anxiety, tips for coping with anxiety and stress, and when to seek additional help.
Survivorship Support
Transitioning into survivorship after cancer treatment comes with its own set of emotional, cognitive, and physical challenges. We are here to help you understand and overcome them.
Transitioning to Survivorship
While it can be difficult to leave behind the team of doctors and nurses who treated your child, there are important reasons to transition your child's care to the survivorship team.
Late Effects of Pediatric Cancer Treatment
The health care team at the survivorship clinic can identify and address physical, cognitive, social, emotional, and vocational late side effects from pediatric cancer treatment.
The Importance of Long-Term Survivorship Care and Support
As pediatric cancer treatment improves and more children are surviving into adulthood, it is important to stay connected to a multi-disciplinary health care team who can follow their health.
Psychological Care for Survivors
Mental health support services are an important part of survivorship care to navigate the challenges of post-treatment life.
Social & Emotional Issues in Survivorship
Social and emotional challenges are common for pediatric cancer survivors and their families. The survivorship clinic team can help and offer additional resources.
What’s a “Normal Life” After Childhood Cancer Treatment?
Families may have to redefine their goals and accept changes after pediatric cancer treatment has ended.
ASK Us About: Returning to Normalcy
In this webinar, we discuss the small steps you can take to help find normalcy and develop routines for children and teens who have been diagnosed with and treated for cancer.
Educational Support
Learn about the long-lasting effects of cancer treatment on your child’s ability to learn, and what ASK can do to make their education and the steps after high school a little easier.
Recognizing Cognitive Late Effects in Education
It may be difficult to assess if cognitive late effects are affecting a child's ability to learn, but assessments and recommendations by an educational consultant, along with the ASK Education Toolkit, can help.
Educational & Vocational Issues in Survivorship
Attending survivorship clinic appointments allows staff to address emerging educational and vocational issues, as well as alert you to upcoming social opportunities.
ASK Us About: Educational Plans (504/IEP)
In this webinar, we discuss the types of support and accommodations your child can receive to help them be more successful in school. We talk about the child study process, as well as the differences between a 504 plan and an Individualized Education Plan (IEP).
ASK Us About: Class In-Services
When a child goes back to school during or after treatment, classmates have a lot of questions. A class in-service presentation can help answer all these questions and more. An in-service helps classmates feel more comfortable and shares ideas on how to be a helpful friend.